
Friday 7 December 2007

A Debugging Day

Today, the early part of the day was spent in the unbiased understanding that out of five of us in our team three were attending a training session. That left me and another teammate in opposite cubicles sitting and feeling more lonely than anything else.

Through the day, I scanned through more CVs and Resumes, shortlisting a few after some careful thought. We also had a trip planned that had to be rescheduled to a prior date necessitating immediate action to book to/fro tickets for 4 (including myself.) My reporting head did a really dedicated job at getting this done.

I went through the next phase of debugging everything in a strange audio driver for one of the products I am working on. I found that "readprofile" gave very low granularity and actually only gave a slight hint on what we should be looking for. It did give some positive results, but we have something that always ends up in a cascade failure. I now need to work my brain on the actual cascade failure to really get the indeterminate problem sorted out.

Finally, the day ended with more than an hour discussing our moving to a new facility, improving some processes and the last item of the agenda scratched out as we ran out of time. Phew! I got back to debugging with another geek and we did build some ground after which we chatted and wasted at least half an hour before I got to exit from office.

Come home, and I had noodles for dinner as that would be the quickest thing to prepare at this time. That done, I didn't have much else to do than to type out into my blog. Ultimately only the debugging thing stays fresh in my mind though I'd actually list today as a very productive one.

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